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Google Scholar listing and citation analysis of our publications:

ORC-iD listing of publications:


Vestibular Autonomic Regulation.
Yates, B. J. and Miller, A. D. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996.

Research Regulatory Compliance.
Suckow, M.A. and Yates, B.J. Academic Press (Elsevier), Amsterdam, 2015. Link

Ph.D. Dissertation

Yates, B. J. The Make-Up of Spinal Cord Circuits Which Process Inputs from the Femoral-Saphenous Vein. University of Florida, 1986. Public Access Text


156) Yosten, G.L.C., Adams J.C., Bennett, C.N., Bunnett, N.W., Scheman, R., Sigmund C.D., Yates B.J., Zucker I.H. and Samson W.K.  Revised guidelines to enhance the rigor and reproducibility of research published in American Physiological Society journals.  Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 315: R1251–R1253, 2018. Link

155) Yates, B.J. Happy 80th birthday to the Journal of Neurophysiology! J. Neurophysiol. 119: 1589- 1591, 2018. Link

154) Yates, B.J. The continuing evolution of the Journal of Neurophysiology: 2018 update. J. Neurophysiol. 119: 765-766, 2018. Link

153) Patel, N.M., Baker, E.A.G., Wittman, S.R., Engstrom, I.C., Bourdages, G.H., McCall, A.A., Miller, D.M. and Yates, B.J. Cardiovascular adjustments during anticipated postural changes. Physiol. Rep. 6(1), e13554, 2018. Link

152) Hansen, B.C., Gografe, S., Pritt, S., Jen, K.C., McWhirter, C.A., Barman, S.M., Comuzzie, A., Greene, M., McNulty, J.A., Michele, D.E., Moaddab, N., Nelson, R.J., Norris, K., Uray, K.D., Banks, R., Westlund, K.N., Yates, B.J., Silverman, J., Hansen, K.D., and Redman, B. Ensuring due process in the IACUC and animal welfare setting: considerations in developing noncompliance policies and procedures for institutional animal care and use committees and institutional officials. FASEB J. 31: 4216-4225, 2017. Link

151) Barman, S.M. and Yates, B.J. Deciphering the neural control of sympathetic nerve activity: Status report and directions for future research. Front. Neurosci. 2017;11(730). Link

150) Yates, B.J.  Vestibulo-Autonomic Responses. IN: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780128093245. Link

149) McCall, A.A., Miller, D.M., and Yates, B.J. Descending influences on vestibulospinal and vestibulosympathetic reflexes. Front. Neurol. 8:112. DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00112. Link

148) Yates, B.J.  The "new realities" of peer review.  J. Neurophysiol. 117: 869-871, 2017. Link

147) Miller, D.M., DeMayo, W.M., Bourdages, G.H., Wittman, S.R., Yates, B.J., and McCall, A.A. Neurons in the pontomedullary reticular formation receive converging inputs from the hindlimb and labyrinth. Exp. Brain Res. 235:1195–1207, 2017. Link

146) Yates, B.J. and Balaban, C.D. Biology and control of nausea and vomiting 2015: Perspectives and overview of the conference. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 202: 3-4, 2017. Link

145) Yates, B.J. and Balaban, C.D. What is nausea? A historical analysis of changing views. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 202: 5–17, 2017. Link

144) Yates, B.J.  Strategies to increase rigor and reproducibility of data in manuscripts.  J. Neurophysiol. 116: 1538, 2016. Public Access Manuscript

143) McCall, A.A., Miller, D.M., DeMayo, W.M., Bourdages, G.H., and Yates, B.J.  Vestibular nucleus neurons respond to hindlimb movement in the conscious cat.  J. Neurophysiol. 116: 1785-1794, 2016. Link

142) Yates, B.J. The evolution of a distinguished neuroscience journal: a progress report.  J. Neurophysiolol. 114: 1483–1485, 2015.  Link

141) McCall, A.A., Miller, D.J., Catanzaro, M.F., Cotter, L.A., and Yates, B.J. Hindlimb movement modulates the activity of rostral fastigial nucleus neurons that process vestibular input. Exp Brain Res. 233: 2411-2419, 2015. Link

140) Yates, B.J. The relationship between the IACUC and principal investigators. IN: The Care and Feeding of an IACUC: The Organization and Management of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, edited by W. Petrie and S. L. Wallace. Taylor & Francis, 2015, pp. 134-143. Link

139) Whitman, G.T. and Yates, B.J. Orthostatic intolerance in acute vestibular neuritis. Mayo Clin. Proc. 90: 308-309, 2015. Link

138) Catanzaro, M.F., Miller, D.J., Cotter, L.A., McCall, A.A., and Yates, B.J. Integration of vestibular and gastrointestinal inputs by cerebellar fastigial nucleus neurons: multisensory influences on motion sickness. Exp. Brain Res. 232: 2581-2589, 2014.  Link

137) Yates, B.J., Catanzaro, M.F., Miller, D.J., and McCall, A.A. Integration of vestibular and emetic gastrointestinal signals that produce nausea and vomiting: potential contributions to motion sickness. Exp. Brain Res. 232: 2455-2469, 2014.  Link

136) Horn, C.C. and Yates, B.J.   Biology and control of nausea and vomiting: outcomes of the 2013 University of Pittsburgh conference. Exp. Brain Res. 232: 2451-2453, 2014.  Link

135) Yates, B.J.  The evolution of a distinguished neuroscience journal.  J. Neurophysiol. 112: 1-4, 2014. Link

134) Arshian, M.S., Hobson, C.E., Catanzaro, M.F., Miller, D.J., Puterbaugh, S.R., Cotter, L.A., Yates, B.J., and McCall, A.A.  Vestibular nucleus neurons respond to hindlimb movement in the decerebrate cat.  J. Neurophysiol. 111: 2423-2432, 2014. Link

133) Yates, B.J., Bolton, P.S., and Macefield, V.G.   Vestibulo-sympathetic responses.   Compr. Physiol. 4:851-887, 2014. Link

132) Horn, C.C., Meyers, K., Lim, A., Dye, M., Pak, D., Rinaman, L., and Yates, B.J.   Delineation of vagal emetic pathways: Intragastric copper sulfate-induced emesis and viral tract tracing in musk shrews.   Am. J. Physiol. 306:R341-351, 2014. Link

131) Balaban, C.D., Ogburn, S.W., Warshafsky, S.G., Ahmed, A.-K., and Yates, B.J. Identification of neural networks that contribute to motion sickness through principal components analysis of Fos labeling induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86730, 2014. Link

130) Arshian, M.S., Puterbaugh, S.R., Miller, D.J., Catanzaro, M.F., Hobson, C.E., McCall, A.A., and Yates, B.J. Effects of visceral inputs on the processing of labyrinthine signals by the inferior and caudal medial vestibular nuclei: Ramifications for the production of motion sickness. Exp. Brain Res. 228: 353-363, 2013. Link

129) Yates, B.J. and Bronstein, A.M. Vestibular system influences on respiratory muscle activity and cardiovascular functions. IN: Autonomic Failure: A Textbook of Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System, edited by C. J. Mathias and Sir R. Bannister. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, pp. 97-107. Link

128) Yates, B.J., Kerman, I.A., Jian, B.J., and Wilson, T.D. The vestibulo-autonomic system. IN: Oxford Textbook of Vertigo and Imbalance (Oxford Textbook in Clinical Neurology series), edited by A. Bronstein. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, pp. 49-62. Link

127)Horn, C.C., Kimball, B.A., Wang, H., Kaus, J., Dienel, S., Nagy, A., Gathright, G.R., Yates, B.J., and Andrews, P.L.R. Why can’t rodents vomit? A comparative behavioral, anatomical, and physiological study. PLoS ONE 8:e60537, 2013. Link

126) McCall, A.A., Moy, J.D., Puterbaugh, S.R., DeMayo, W.M., and Yates, B.J. Responses of vestibular nucleus neurons to inputs from the hindlimb are enhanced following a bilateral labyrinthectomy. J. Appl. Physiol. 114: 742-751, 2013. Link

125) McCall, A.A., Moy, J.D., DeMayo, W.M., Puterbaugh, S.R., Miller, D.J., Catanzaro, M.F., and Yates, B.J. Processing of vestibular inputs by the medullary lateral tegmental field of conscious cats: Implications for generation of motion sickness. Exp. Brain Res., 225:349–359, 2013. Link

124) Moy, J.D., Miller, D.J., Catanzaro, M.F., Boyle, B.M., Ogburn, S.W., Cotter, L.A., Yates, B.J., and McCall, A.A. Responses of neurons in the caudal medullary lateral tegmental field to visceral inputs and vestibular stimulation in vertical planes. Am. J. Physiol. 303: R929–R940, 2012. Link

123) Gowen, M.F., Ogburn, S.W., Suzuki, T., Sugiyama, Y., Cotter, L.A., and Yates, B.J. Collateralization of projections from the rostral ventrolateral medulla to the rostral and caudal thoracic spinal cord in felines. Exp. Brain Res. 220:121–133, 2012. Link

122) Suzuki, T., Sugiyama, Y., and Yates, B.J. Integrative responses of neurons in parabrachial nuclei to a nauseogenic gastrointestinal stimulus and vestibular stimulation in vertical planes. Am. J. Physiol. 302:R965-R975, 2012. Link

121) Yates, B.J., and Barrett, K.E. Reporting of studies using animal and human subjects in APS journals: how the society protects authors from ethical minefields. The Physiologist 55: 8-10, 2012. Link

120) McCall, A.A. and Yates, B.J. Compensation following bilateral vestibular damage. Front. Neur. 2(88):1-14, 2011. Public Access Manuscript.

119) Sugiyama, Y., Suzuki, T., DeStefino, V.J., and Yates, B.J. Integrative responses of neurons in nucleus tractus solitarius to visceral afferent stimulation and vestibular stimulation in vertical planes. Am. J. Physiol. 301:R1380-R1390, 2011. Public Access Manuscript.

118) Barman, S, M., Sugiyama, Y., Suzuki, T., Cotter, L.A., DeStefino, V.J., Reighard, D.A., Cass, S.P., and Yates, B.J. Rhythmic activity of neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of conscious cats: effect of removal of vestibular inputs. Am. J. Physiol. 301: R937-R946, 2011. Public Access Manuscript.

117) DeStefino, V.J., Reighard, D.A., Sugiyama, Y., Suzuki, T., Cotter, L.A., Larson, M.G., Gandhi, N.J., Barman, S, M. and Yates, B.J. Responses of neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) to whole-body rotations: comparisons in decerebrate and conscious cats. J. Appl. Physiol. 110: 1699-1707, 2011. Public Access Manuscript.

116) Sugiyama, Y., Suzuki, T. and Yates, B.J. Role of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) in the patterning of vestibular system influences on sympathetic nervous system outflow to the upper and lower body. Exp. Brain Res. 210: 515-528, 2011. Public Access Manuscript.

115) Yates, B.J. and Newsome, J. Response to protocol review: Study section's opinion matters. Lab. Animal 39: 259-260, 2010. Link

114) Rice, C.D., Weber, S.A., Waggoner, A.L., Jessell, M.E. and Yates, B.J. Neural pathways that influence diaphragm activity and project to the lumbar spinal cord in cats. Exp. Brain Res. 203: 205–211, 2010. Public Access Manuscript.

113) Badami, V.M., Rice, C.D., Lois, J.H., Madrecha, J. and Yates, B.J. Distribution of hypothalamic neurons with orexin (hypocretin) or melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) immunoreactivity and multisynaptic connections with diaphragm motoneurons. Brain Res. 1323: 119-126, 2010. Public Access Manuscript

112) Yates, B.J. and Toth, L. Is it time to re-define “major operative procedures?” (Editorial). Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 49: 8, 2010. Link

111) Peusner K., Vidal, P.P., Minor, L., Cullen, K., Yates, B.J., Shao, M., and Dutia. M. Vestibular compensation: new clinical and basic science perspectives. J. Vestib. Res. 19: 143-146, 2009. Link

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110) Yates, B.J. and Miller, D.M. Integration of nonlabyrinthine inputs by the vestibular system: role in compensation following bilateral damage to the inner ear. J. Vestib. Res. 19: 183-189, 2009. Public Access Manuscript

109) Yavorcik, K.J., Reighard, D.A., Misra, S.P., Cotter, L.A., Cass, S.P., Wilson, T.D., and Yates, B.J. Effects of postural changes and removal of vestibular inputs on blood flow to and from the hindlimb of conscious felines. Am. J. Physiol. 297: R1777–R1784, 2009. Public Access Manuscript

108) Rice, C.D., Lois, J.H., Kerman, I.A., and Yates, B.J. Localization of serotoninergic neurons that participate in regulating diaphragm activity in the cat. Brain Res. 1279:71-81, 2009. Public Access Manuscript

107) Miller, D.M., Reighard, D.A., Mehta, A.S., Mehta, A.S., Kalash, R., and Yates, B.J. Responses of thoracic spinal interneurons to vestibular stimulation. Exp. Brain Res. 195:89–100, 2009. Public Access Manuscript

106) Sheetz, M., Swanson, D., and Yates, B.J. Physical presence during gamma stereotactic radiosurgery. Health Physics 96, Suppl. 2:S11-S15, 2009. Link

105) Lois, J.H., Rice, C.D., and Yates, B.J. Neural circuits that control diaphragm function in the cat revealed by transneuronal tracing. J. Appl. Physiol. 106: 138-152, 2009. Public Access Manuscript

104) Yates, B.J. and Wilson, T.D. Vestibulo-autonomic responses. IN: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol. 10, edited by L. R. Squire. Academic Press, Oxford, 2009, 133-138. Link

103) Yates, B.J. Motion sickness. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, edited by M.D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst. Springer, Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 2410-2413. Link

102) Lane, M.A., White, T.E., Coutts, M.A., Jones, A.L., Sandhu. M.S., Bloom, D.C., Bolser, D.C., Yates, B.J., Fuller, D.D., and Reier, P.J. Cervical prephrenic interneurons in the normal and lesioned spinal cord of the adult rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 511: 692-709, 2008. Public Access Manuscript

101) Miller, D.M., Cotter, L.A., Gandhi, N.J., Schor, R.H., Huff, N.O., Raj, S.G., Shulman, J.A., and Yates, B.J. Responses of rostral fastigial nucleus neurons of conscious cats to rotations in vertical planes. Neuroscience 155: 317-325, 2008. Public Access Manuscript

100) Miller, D.M., Cotter, L.A., Gandhi, N.J., Schor, R.H., Cass, S.P., Huff, N.O., Raj, S.G., Shulman, J.A., and Yates, B.J. Responses of caudal vestibular nucleus neurons of conscious cats to rotations in vertical planes, before and after a bilateral vestibular neurectomy. Exp. Brain Res. 188: 175–186, 2008. Public Access Manuscript

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99) Arshian, M., Holtje, R.J., Cotter, L.A., Rice, C.D., Cass, S.P. and Yates, B.J. Consequences of postural changes and removal of vestibular inputs on the movement of air in and out of the lungs of conscious felines. J Appl. Physiol. 103:347-352, 2007. Public Access Manuscript

98) Lee, T.K., Lois, J.H., Troupe, J.H., Wilson, T.D., and Yates, B.J. Transneuronal tracing of neural pathways that regulate hindlimb muscle blood flow. Am. J. Physiol. 292: R1532-R1541, 2007. Link

97) Cuccurazzu, B., Deriu, F., Tolu, E., Yates, B.J., and Billig, I. A monosynaptic pathway links the vestibular nuclei and masseter muscle motoneurons in rats. Exp. Brain Res. 176: 665-671, 2007. Public Access Manuscript

96) Wilson, T. D., Cotter, L. A., Draper, J. A., Misra, S. P., Rice, C. D., Cass, S. P. and Yates, B. J. Vestibular inputs elicit patterned changes in limb blood flow in conscious cats. J. Physiol. 575: 671–684, 2006. Public Access Manuscript

95) Giaconi, E., Deriu, F., Tolu, E., Cuccurazzu, B., Yates, B. J. and Billig, I. Transneuronal tracing of vestibulo-trigeminal pathways innervating the masseter muscle in the rat. Exp. Brain Res. 171: 3303-339, 2006. Link

94) Wilson, T. D., Cotter, L. A., Draper, J. A., Misra, S. P., Rice, C. D., Cass, S. P. and Yates, B. J. Effects of postural changes and removal of vestibular inputs on blood flow to the head of conscious felines. J. Appl. Physiol. 100: 1475–1482, 2006. Link

93) Anker, A. R., Sadacca, B. F. and Yates, B. J. Vestibular inputs to propriospinal interneurons in the feline C1-C2 spinal cord projecting to the C5-C6 ventral horn. Exp. Brain Res. 170: 39-51, 2006. Link

92) Wilkens, E.P. and Yates, B.J. Pretreatment with ondansetron blunts plasma vasopressin increases associated with morphine administration in ferrets. Anesthesia and Analgesia 101:1029-1033, 2005. Link

91) Yates, B.J. and Bronstein, A.M. The effects of peripheral vestibular lesions on autonomic regulation: observations, mechanisms, and clinical implications. J. Vestibular Res. 15: 119-129, 2005. Link

90) Jian, B.J., Acernese, A.W., Lorenzo, J., Card, J.P., and Yates, B.J. Afferent pathways to the region of the vestibular nuclei that participates in cardiovascular and respiratory control. Brain Res. 1044: 241-250, 2005. Link

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89) Brown, J.E., Card, J.P., and Yates, B.J. Polysynaptic pathways from the vestibular nuclei to the lateral mammillary nucleus of the rat: substrate for vestibular input to head direction cells. Exp. Brain Res. 161: 47-61, 2005. Link

88) Mori. R.L., Cotter, L.A., Arendt, H.E., Olsheski, C.J., and Yates, B.J. Effects of vestibular nucleus lesions on blood pressure regulation during postural changes in conscious cats. J. Appl. Physiol. 98: 526-533, 2005. Link

87) Wilkinson, K.A., Maurer, A.P., Sadacca, B.F., and Yates, B.J. Responses of feline medial medullary reticular formation neurons with projections to the C5-C6 ventral horn to vestibular stimulation. Brain Res. 1018: 247-256, 2004. Link

86) Cotter, L.A., Arendt, H.E., Cass, S.P., Jian, B.J., Mays, D.F., Olsheski, C.J., Wilkinson, K.A., and Yates, B.J. Effects of postural changes and vestibular lesions on genioglossal muscle activity in conscious cats. J. Appl. Physiol. 96: 923-930, 2004. Link

85) Balaban, C.D. and Yates, B.J. Vestibulo-autonomic interactions: a teleologic perspective. IN: Anatomy and Physiology of the Central and Peripheral Vestibular System, edited by S. M. Highstein, R. R. Fay, and A. N. Popper. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 286-342. Link

84) Yates, B.J. The vestibular system and cardiovascular responses to altered gravity. Am. J. Physiol. 286: R23, 2004. Link

83) Yates, B.J., Holmes, M.J. and Jian, B.J. Plastic changes in processing of graviceptive signals during spaceflight potentially contribute to postflight orthostatic intolerance. J. Vestibular Res. 13: 395-404, 2003. Link

82) Anker, A.R., Ali, A., Arendt, H.E., Cass, S.P., Cotter, L.A., Jian, B.J., Tamrazi, B., and Yates, B.J. Use of electrical vestibular stimulation to alter genioglossal muscle activity in awake cats. J. Vestib. Res. 13: 1-8, 2003. Link

81) Shintani, T., Anker, A.R., Billig, I., Card, J.P. and Yates, B.J. Transneuronal tracing of neural pathways influencing both diaphragm and genioglossal muscle activity in the ferret. J. Appl. Physiol. 95: 1453-1459, 2003. Link

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80) Kerman, I.A., Enquist, L.W., Watson, S.J. and Yates, B.J. Brainstem substrates of sympatho-motor circuitry identified using transsynaptic tracing with pseudorabies virus recombinants. J. Neurosci. 23: 4657-4666, 2003. Link

79) Shintani, T., Mori, R.L., and Yates, B.J. Locations of neurons with respiratory-related activity in the ferret brainstem. Brain Res. 974: 233-239, 2003. Link

78) Yates, B.J., Holmes, M.J., Jian, B.J., and Kerman, I.A. Vestibular influences on cardiovascular control during movement. IN: Textbook of Audiological Medicine, edited by L. M. Luxon. Taylor and Francis, London, 2003, pp. 691-700. Link

77) Billig, I., Card, J.P., and Yates, B.J. Neurochemical phenotypes of medullary reticular formation neurons influencing diaphragm and rectus abdominis activity. J. Appl. Physiol. 94: 391-398, 2003. Link

76) Brown, J.E., Yates, B.J. and Taube, J.S. Does the vestibular system contribute to shaping the response properties of head direction cells? Physiology and Behavior 77: 743-748, 2002. Link

75) Holmes, M.J., Cotter, L.A., Arendt, H.E., Cass, S.P., and Yates, B.J. Effects of lesions of the caudal cerebellar vermis on cardiovascular regulation in awake cats. Brain Res. 938: 62-72, 2002. Link

74) Jian, B.J., Shintani, T., Emanuel, B.A., and Yates, B.J. Convergence of limb, visceral, and vertical semicircular canal or otolith inputs onto vestibular nucleus neurons. Exp. Brain Res. 144: 247-257, 2002. Link

73) Yates, B.J., Billig, I., Cotter, L.A., Mori, R.L., and Card, J.P. Role of the vestibular system in regulating respiratory muscle activity during movement. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 29: 112-117, 2002. Link

72) Billig, I., Yates, B.J., and Rinaman, L. Plasma hormone levels and central c-fos expression in ferrets after systemic administration of cholecystokinin. Am. J. Physiol. 281: R1243-R1255, 2001. Link

71) Billig, I., Hartge, K., Card, J.P., and Yates, B.J. Transneuronal tracing of neural pathways controlling abdominal musculature in the ferret. Brain Res. 912: 24-32, 2001. Link

70) Cotter, L.A., Arendt, H.E., Jasko, J.G., Sprando, C., and Yates, B.J. Effects of postural changes and vestibular lesions on diaphragm and rectus abdominis activity in awake cats. J. Appl. Physiol. 91: 137-144, 2001. Link

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69) Mori, R.L., Bergsman, A.E., Holmes, M.J., and Yates, B.J. Role of the medial medullary reticular formation in relaying vestibular signals to the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Brain Res. 902: 82-91, 2001. Link

68) Kerman, I.A., McAllen, R.M., and Yates, B.J. Patterning of sympathetic nerve activity in response to vestibular stimulation. Brain Research Bull. 53: 11-16, 2000. Link

67) Yates, B.J., Holmes, M.J., and Jian, B.J. Adaptive plasticity in vestibular influences on cardiovascular control. Brain Research Bull. 53: 3-9, 2000. Link

66) Billig, I., Foris, J.M., Enquist, L.W., Card, J. P., and Yates, B.J. Definition of neuronal circuitry controlling the activity of phrenic and abdominal motoneurons in the ferret using recombinant strains of pseudorabies virus. J. Neurosci. 20:7446-7454, 2000. Link

65) Kerman, I.A., Emanuel, B.A., and Yates, B.J. Vestibular stimulation leads to distinct hemodynamic patterning. Am. J. Physiol. 279: R118-R125, 2000. Link

64) Kerman, I.A., Yates, B.J., and McAllen, R.M. Anatomical patterning in the expression of vestibulosympathetic reflexes. Am. J. Physiol. 279: R109-R117, 2000. Link

63) Yates, B.J., Jian, B.J., Cotter, L.A., and Cass, S.P. Responses of vestibular nucleus neurons to tilt following chronic bilateral removal of vestibular inputs. Exp. Brain Res. 130: 151-158, 2000. Link

62) Aoki, M., Burchill, P., Yates, B.J., Golding, J.F., and Gresty, M.A. Graviceptive control of blood pressure in man. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 138: 93-97, 2000.

61) Kerman, I.A. and Yates, B.J., Patterning of somatosympathetic reflexes. Am. J. Physiol. 277: R716-R724, 1999. Link

60) Yates, B.J., Aoki, M., Burchill, P., Bronstein, A.M., and Gresty, M.A., Cardiovascular responses elicited by linear acceleration in humans. Exp. Brain Res. 125: 476-484, 1999. Link

59) Jian, B. J., Cotter, L. A., Emanuel, B. A., Cass, S. P. and Yates, B. J. Effects of bilateral vestibular lesions on orthostatic tolerance in awake cats. J. Appl. Physiol. 86:1552-1560, 1999. Link

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58) Yates, B. J., Smail, J. A., Stocker, S. D. and Card, J. P. Transneuronal tracing of neural pathways controlling activity of diaphragm motoneurons in the ferret. Neuroscience 90: 1505-1516, 1999. Link

57) Billig, I., Foris, J. M., Card, J. P., and Yates, B. J. Transneuronal tracing of neural pathways controlling an abdominal muscle, rectus abdominis, in the ferret. Brain Res. 820: 31-44, 1999. Link

56) Bolton, P.S., Kerman, I.A., Woodring, S.F. and Yates, B. J. Influences of neck afferents on sympathetic and respiratory nerve activity. Brain Research Bull. 47:413-419, 1998. Link

55) Yates, B. J., Miller, A. D. and Lucot, J.B. The physiological basis and pharmacology of motion sickness: An update. Brain Research Bull. 47: 395-406,1998. Link

54) Yates, B. J. and Kerman, I. A. Post-spaceflight orthostatic intolerance: possible relationship to microgravity-induced plasticity in the vestibular system. Brain Res. Rev. 28: 73-82, 1998. Link

53) Yates, B. J. Autonomic reaction to vestibular damage. Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery 119: 106-112, 1998. Link

52) Kerman, I. A. and Yates, B.J. Regional and functional differences in the distribution of vestibular-sympathetic reflexes. Am. J. Physiol. 275: R824-R835, 1998. Link

51) Yates, B. J. and Stocker, S.D. Integration of somatic and visceral inputs by the brainstem: functional considerations. Exp. Brain Res. 119: 269-275, 1998. Link

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50) Schor, R. H., Steinbacher, B. C. and Yates, B. J. Response of medial vestibular nucleus neurons to horizontal linear and angular stimulation of the decerebrate cat. J. Vestibular Res. 8: 107-116, 1998. Link

49) Yates, B. J. and Miller, A. D. Physiological evidence that the vestibular system participates in autonomic and respiratory control. J. Vestibular Res. 8:17-25, 1998. Link

48) Yates, B. J., Sklare, D.A. and Frey, M.A. Vestibular autonomic regulation: Overview and conclusions of a recent workshop at the University of Pittsburgh. J. Vestibular Res. 8: 1-5, 1998.

47) Woodring, S.F. and Yates, B. J. Responses of ventral respiratory group neurons of the cat to natural vestibular stimulation. Am. J. Physiol. 273: R1946-R1956, 1997. Link

46) Stocker, S.D., Steinbacher, B. C., Balaban, C.D. and Yates, B. J. Connections of the caudal ventrolateral medullary reticular formation in the cat brainstem. Exp. Brain Res. 116: 270-282, 1997. Link

45) Brophy, G.D., Rossiter, C.D., Bolton, P.S. and Yates, B. J. Vestibular influences on cat lumbar paravertebral muscles. Neurosci. Lett. 223: 189-192, 1997. Link

44) Card, J. P., Enquist, L. W., Miller, A. D. and Yates, B. J. Differential tropism of pseudorabies virus for cat sensory and motor neurons. J. NeuroVirology 3:49-61, 1997. Link

43) Woodring, S.F., Rossiter, C. D. and Yates, B. J. Pressor response elicited by nose-up vestibular stimulation in cats. Exp. Brain Res. 113: 165-168, 1997. Link

42) Steinbacher, B. C., Jr. and Yates, B. J. Brainstem integrative sites for vestibulo-sympathetic reflexes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 781:700-702, 1996. Link

41) Yates, B. J. Vestibular influences on autonomic control. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 781: 458-473, 1996. Link

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40) Yates, B. J. and Miller, A. D. Vestibulo-respiratory regulation. IN: Neural Control of Respiratory Muscles, edited by A. D. Miller, A. L. Bianchi and B. P. Bishop. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996, pp. 273-285.

39) Rossiter, C. D., Hayden, N. L., Stocker, S. and Yates, B. J. Changes in outflow to respiratory pump muscles produced by natural vestibular stimulation. J. Neurophysiol. 76: 3274-3284, 1996. Link

38) Miller, A. D., Jakus, J., Nonaka, S. and Yates, B. J. Modulation of vomiting by the medullary midline. Brain Res. 737: 51-58, 1996. Link

37) Steinbacher, B. C. and Yates, B. J. Processing of vestibular and other inputs by the caudal ventrolateral medullary reticular formation. Am. J. Physiol. 271: R1070-R1077, 1996. Link

36) Steinbacher, B. C. and Yates, B. J. Brainstem interneurons necessary for vestibular influences on sympathetic outflow. Brain Res. 720: 204-210, 1996. Link

35) Rossiter, C. D. and Yates, B. J. Vestibular influences on hypoglossal nerve activity in the cat. Neurosci. Lett. 211: 25-28, 1996. Link

34) Yates, B. J., Balaban, C. D., Miller, A. D., Endo, K. and Yamaguchi, Y. Vestibular inputs to the lateral tegmental field of the cat: potential role in autonomic control. Brain Res. 689: 197-206, 1995. Link

33) Endo, K., Thomson, D. B., Wilson, V. J., Yamaguchi, Y. and Yates, B. J. Vertical vestibular input to and projections from the caudal parts of the vestibular nuclei of the decerebrate cat. J. Neurophysiol. 74: 428-436, 1995. Link

32) Yates, B. J., Bolton, P. S., Goto, T., Kerman, I. A. and Miller, A. D. The role of the ventral brainstem in vestibulosympathetic and vestibulorespiratory reflexes. IN: Ventral Brainstem Mechanisms and Control Functions, edited by C. O. Trouth, R. M. Millis, H. Kiwull-Schone and M. E. Schlafke. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995, pp. 181-191. Link

31) Yates, B. J., Siniaia, M. and Miller, A. D. Descending pathways necessary for vestibular influences on sympathetic and inspiratory outflow. Am. J. Physiol. 268: R1381-R1385, 1995. Link

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30) Schor, R. H. and Yates, B. J. Horizontal rotation responses of medullary reticular neurons in the decerebrate cat. J. Vestibular Research 5: 223-228, 1995.

29) Miller, A. D., Yamaguchi, Y., Siniaia, M. and Yates, B. J. Ventral respiratory group bulbospinal inspiratory neurons participate in vestibular-respiratory reflexes. J. Neurophysiol. 73: 1303-1307, 1995. Link

28) Bankoul, S., Goto, T., Yates, B. J. and Wilson, V. J. Primary afferent projection from the neck to an area where vestibulospinal neurons projecting to the cervical dorsal horn are found. An anterograde and retrograde tracing study in the cat. J. Comp. Neurol. 353: 529-538, 1995. Link

27) Yates, B. J., Grelot, L., Kerman, I., Balaban, C. D., Jakus, J. and Miller, A. D. The organization of vestibular inputs to nucleus solitarius and adjacent structures in the cat brainstem. Am. J. Physiol. 267: R974-R983, 1994. Link

26) Yates, B. J. and Miller, A. D. Properties of sympathetic reflexes elicited by natural vestibular stimulation: implications for cardiovascular control. J. Neurophysiol. 71:2087-2092, 1994. Link

25) Endo, K., Kasper, J., Wilson, V. J. and Yates, B. J. Response of commissural and other upper cervical ventral horn neurons to vestibular stimuli in vertical planes. J. Neurophysiol. 71: 11-16, 1994. Link

24) Yates, B. J., Jakus, J. and Miller, A. D. Vestibular effects on respiratory outflow in the decerebrate cat. Brain Res. 629: 209-217, 1993. Link

23) Yates, B. J., Goto, T., Kerman, I. and Bolton, P. S. Responses of caudal medullary raphe neurons to natural vestibular stimulation. J. Neurophysiol. 70:938-946, 1993. Link

22) Miller, A. D. and Yates, B. J. Evaluation of role of upper cervical inspiratory neurons in respiration, emesis and cough. Brain Res. 606: 162-166, 1993. Link

21) Yates, B. J., Goto, T. and Bolton, P. S. Responses of neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of the cat to natural vestibular stimulation. Brain Res. 601: 255-264,1993. Link

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20) Yates, B. J. Vestibular influences on the sympathetic nervous system. Brain Res. Reviews 17: 51-59, 1992. Link

19) Wilson, V. J., Bolton, P. S., Goto, T., Schor, R. H., Yamagata, Y. and Yates, B. J. Spatial transformation in the vertical vestibulocollic reflex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 656: 500-506, 1992. Link

18) Yates, B. J., Goto, T. and Bolton, P. S. Responses of neurons in the caudal medullary raphe nuclei of the cat to stimulation of the vestibular nerve. Exp. Brain Res. 89: 323-332, 1992. Link

17) Bolton, P. S., Goto, T., Schor, R. H., Wilson, V. J., Yamagata, Y. and Yates, B. J. Response of pontomedullary reticulospinal neurons to vestibular stimuli in vertical planes: their role in vertical vestibulospinal reflexes. J. Neurophysiol. 67:639-647, 1992. Link

16) Yates, B. J., Yamagata, Y. and Bolton, P. S. The ventrolateral medulla of the cat mediates vestibulosympathetic reflexes. Brain Res. 552: 265-272, 1991. Link

15) Yamagata, Y., Yates, B. J. and Wilson, V. J. Participation of IA reciprocal inhibitory neurons in the spinal circuitry of the tonic neck reflex. Exp. Brain Res. 84: 461-464, 1991. Link

14) Wilson, V. J., Yamagata, Y., Yates, B. J., Schor, R. H. and Nonaka, S. Response of vestibular neurons to head rotations in vertical planes. III. Response of vestibulocollic neurons to vestibular and neck stimulation. J. Neurophysiol. 64:1695-1703, 1990. Link

13) Yates, B. J. and Yamagata, Y. Convergence of cardiovascular and vestibular inputs on neurons in the medullary paramedian reticular formation. Brain Res. 513: 166-170,1990. Link

12) Kasper, J., Wilson, V. J., Yamagata, Y. and Yates, B. J. Neck muscle spindle activity in the decerebrate, unparalyzed cat: dynamics and influence of vestibular stimulation. J. Neurophysiol. 62: 917-923, 1989. Link

11) Yates, B. J., Kasper, J. and Wilson, V. J. Effects of muscle and cutaneous hindlimb afferents on L4 neurons whose activity is modulated by neck rotation. Exp. Brain Res. 77: 48-56, 1989. Link

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10) Yates, B. J., Thompson, F. J. and Mickle, J. P. Responses of localized spinal cord neurons following stimulation of A-beta femoral-saphenous venous afferent fibers. Brain Res. 451: 285-294, 1988. Link

9) Yates, B. J., Kasper, J., Brink, E. E. and Wilson, V. J. Peripheral input to L4 neurons whose activity is modulated by neck rotation. Brain Res. 449: 377-380, 1988. Link

8) Kasper, J., Schor, R. H., Yates, B. J. and Wilson, V. J. Three dimensional sensitivity and caudal projection of neck spindle afferents. J. Neurophysiol. 59:1497-1509, 1988. Link

7) Yates, B. J., Mickle, J. P., Hedden, W. J. and Thompson, F. J. Tracing of afferent pathways from the femoral-saphenous vein to the dorsal root ganglia using transport of horseradish peroxidase. J. Autonom. Nerv. Syst. 20: 1-11, 1987. Link

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5) Yates, B. J. and Thompson, F. J. Activation of spinal cord interneurons which process inputs from the femoral-saphenous vein. Brain Res. 359: 383-387, 1985. Link

4) Yates, B. J. and Thompson, F. J. Properties of spinal cord processing of femoral venous afferent input revealed by the analysis of evoked potentials. J. Autonom. Nerv. Syst. 14: 201-207, 1985. Link

3) Thompson, F. J., Yates, B. J., Franzen, O. G. and Wald, J. R. Lumbar spinal cord responses to limb vein distention. J. Autonom. Nerv. Syst. 9: 531-546, 1983. Link

2) Thompson, F. J. and Yates, B. J. Venous afferent elicited skeletal muscle pumping: a new venopressor mechanism. The Physiologist 26: S74-S75, 1983.

1) Yates, B. J., Thompson, F. J. and Mickle, J. P. Origin and properties of spinal cord field potentials. Neurosurgery 11: 439-450, 1982. Link

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